Our Products

Blackstrap molasses is pre-/pro-biotic. We have 12 items based on variations of vitamins, and minerals. For example, for ASD kids, we focus on vitamin B6 and iodine. For ADD/ADHD kids, we purport low GI to prevent high blood sugar. For thalassemia, protein homeostasis for ferritin overload is the focus of blackstrap molasses. By helping to stabilize blood sugar levels, blackstrap molasses can help to improve focus on brain function. Bacteria supply genetic materials for gene correction. So for Down syndrome, we focus on good bacteria culture.

Since our production is entirely based on fermentation (bacteria), our products are chemical acrylamide free, which is carcinogenic. Our raw material is a by-product of sugarcane production. Unlike refined sugar, it’s naturally rich in antioxidants, iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorous, and vitamin B6.

Lauric acid is an important constituent in the production of breast milk. Infants’ health, growth, immunity, and development depend on their breast milk consumption. The composition of lauric acid in human breast milk is 6.2%, goat milk is 3.1%, and cow milk is 2.9%. Besides being present in milk, the highest source of lauric acid is coconut oil and palm kernel oil.

We use lauric acid as lysozyme (e.g. extracellular vesicles) for Autism, ADD, ADHD kids’ problems, and also for neurodegeneration diseases. We develop a special technique to produce lysozyme from lauric acid-integrated cell surface proteins. We have many products from lauric acid such as lauric acid with oil-soluble vitamins, lauric acid with enzymes etc. We also develop an anti-pathogenic product (monolaurin), that is able to fight bacteria, viruses, and yeasts. Since our products are food items, so they are non-toxic, and safe to handle components with long shelf-life. Our products are easily absorbable and digestible by the body.

Cell salts (Na+, K+, Ca2+, Cl–, PO4-, Fe3+, Mg2+, CO32-) (TS-12/27 products) are minerals available as tablets (very low concentration) in Europe/USA/UK. Due to their very low concentration and easily soluble in saliva, these products are highly effective to treat health-related problems. These products control the cellular activities of the body through the state of equilibrium of minerals.

Like water, salts also neutralize acids as buffering, especially bile acids. Neutralizing of bile acids assists to treat gout inflammation. Recent research reveals that cell salts balance the Na/K-ions in nerve cells and activate them accordingly. The difference in cells is largely determined by the kind of inorganic salts which enter into their composition.

There are four channels in neuron cells/nerve cells, and using permutation and a combination of four ions (Na+, K+, Ca2+, Cl–), the aim is to improve CNS weakness problems.

To better understand this section, an advanced training is mandatory and CSc provides the training to ASD kids' parents.

nanomedicine: greenmedicine-tissue salts
Melatonin is a naturally produced hormone by the body’s pineal gland in the brain. It plays an important role in regulating the sleep-wake cycle and is involved in other physiological processes such as immune function and metabolism. The effectiveness of melatonin supplements can vary between individuals, and it has interactions with many medicines. So before taking melatonin, it is better to consult with melatonin-specialized persons.
However, sleeping disturbance is a common problem for Autism, ADD, ADHD, Down Syndrome, and other neurodegenerative diseases. While melatonin is generally considered safe for short-term use for these diseases, long-term use may have potential side effects, such as headaches, dizziness, and daytime sleepiness. Reasons behind sleeping problems are food habits and neuro diseases connected to many other health problems. Many foods contain melatonin and it is better to know how to make foods scientifically for melatonin. Finding problems and diagnosing diseases can be helpful to solve problems.

If you are considering taking melatonin supplements, it's important to talk to your healthcare provider first, it obviously will give a short time solution, but for a permanent cure, know-how on melatonin-containing greenmedicine is an alternative way for better health.

nanomedicine-potassium phosphate
nanomedicine-barium carbonate

Phenylketonuria (PKU) plays a key role to damage the brain permanently. PKU can lead to autism, seizures, behavioral problems, and mental retardation. It causes musty smell, lighter skin, small head, and low birth weight. Later, these problems include asthma, eczema, anemia, weight gain, renal insufficiency, osteoporosis, gastritis, esophagus, kidney deficiencies, kidney stones, and hypertension. It is an inborn error of metabolism that results in decreased metabolism of the amino acid phenylalanine, gluten, and casein. There are no acceptable treatments to solve these problems. Avoiding these foods may tremendously improve your condition. Since PKU produces in the gut, CSc trains people to improve their gut. In CSc’s green pharmacy, they use barium carbonate (gp-bc200 nanoscale-nontoxic) and lauric acid, to improve the gut.

greenmedicine (collagen)
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